scikit-image 0.23.2 (2024-04-20) ================================ We're happy to announce the release of scikit-image 0.23.2! Bug Fixes --------- - Make sure ``skimage.util.img_as_ubyte`` supports the edge case where ``dtype('uint64').type`` of the provided image is ``np.ulonglong`` instead of ``np.uint64`` (`#7392 `_). Documentation ------------- - Add date to 0.23.1 release notes (`#7384 `_). - Fix docstring of ``connectivity`` parameter in ``skimage.segmentation.watershed`` (`#7360 `_). Infrastructure -------------- - Ignore Sphinx warning about unpickable cache (`#7400 `_). - Simplify instructions on changelist in PR template (`#7401 `_). Maintenance ----------- - Use ``numpy.inf`` instead of deprecated ``numpy.infty`` (`#7386 `_). - Update Ruff config (`#7387 `_). - Update matrix and names of Azure pipelines configuration (`#7390 `_). - Use upload- and download-artifact v4 (`#7389 `_). - Ignore arch specific cast warnings originating from ``astype`` in tests (`#7393 `_). - Update link to numpydoc (`#7395 `_). Contributors ------------ 4 authors added to this release (alphabetically): - `@pitkajuh `_ - Jarrod Millman (`@jarrodmillman `_) - Lars Grüter (`@lagru `_) - Marianne Corvellec (`@mkcor `_) 4 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): - Egor Panfilov (`@soupault `_) - Jarrod Millman (`@jarrodmillman `_) - Lars Grüter (`@lagru `_) - Marianne Corvellec (`@mkcor `_) _These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates._ scikit-image 0.23.1 (2024-04-10) ================================ We're happy to announce the release of scikit-image 0.23.1! .. note:: Due to an issue with the CI system scikit-image 0.23.0 was never released. This release is identical to what 0.23.0 would have been other than the CI fix and the version number. Highlights ---------- - Ensure ``skimage.morphology.closing`` and ``skimage.morphology.opening`` are extensive and anti-extensive, respectively, if the footprint is not mirror symmetric (`#6695 `_). - Add parameters ``mode`` and ``cval`` to ``erosion``, ``dilation``, ``opening``, ``closing``, ``white_tophat``, and ``black_tophat`` in ``skimage.morphology``. These new parameters determine how array borders are handled (`#6695 `_). - Add parameter ``mode`` to ``binary_erosion``, ``binary_dilation``, ``binary_opening`` and ``binary_closing`` in ``skimage.morphology``. These new parameters determine how array borders are handled (`#6695 `_). - Speedup ``skimage.util.map_array`` by parallelization with Cython's ``prange`` (`#7266 `_). New Features ------------ - Add new ``intensity_std`` property to ``skimage.measure.regionprops`` which computes the standard deviation of the intensity in a region (`#6712 `_). - Add parameters ``mode`` and ``cval`` to ``erosion``, ``dilation``, ``opening``, ``closing``, ``white_tophat``, and ``black_tophat`` in ``skimage.morphology``. These new parameters determine how array borders are handled (`#6695 `_). - Add parameter ``mode`` to ``binary_erosion``, ``binary_dilation``, ``binary_opening`` and ``binary_closing`` in ``skimage.morphology``. These new parameters determine how array borders are handled (`#6695 `_). - Add functions ``mirror_footprint`` and ``pad_footprint`` to ``skimage.morphology`` (`#6695 `_). - Add new parameter ``spacing`` to ``segmentation.expand_labels`` to support anisotropic images (`#7080 `_). API Changes ----------- - Drop support for Python 3.9 (`#7217 `_). - Parameters ``shift_x`` and ``shift_y`` in ``skimage.morphology.erosion`` and ``skimage.morphology.dilation`` are deprecated. Use ``pad_footprint`` or modify the footprint manually instead (`#6695 `_). - Remove unexpected value scaling in ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize_3d`` for non-binary input images. ``skeletonize_3d`` now always returns a binary array like similar functions (`#7095 `_). - Deprecate function ``skimage.feature.plot_matches`` in favor of ``skimage.feature.plot_matched_features`` (`#7255 `_). - Deprecate ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize_3d`` in favor of just ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize`` (`#7094 `_). - Deprecate parameter ``output`` in ``skimage.filters.gaussian``; use ``out`` instead (`#7225 `_). - Change the default value of the parameters ``shift_x``, ``shift_y`` and ``shift_z`` from ``False`` to ``0`` in the ``skimage.filters.rank`` functions. This has not impact on the results. Warn in case boolean shifts are provided from now on (`#7320 `_). Performance ----------- - Add lazy loading to ``skimage.metrics`` module (`#7211 `_). - Speedup ``skimage.util.map_array`` by parallelization with Cython's ``prange`` (`#7266 `_). Bug Fixes --------- - Add exception to avoid surprising result when image is too small for the given parameters in ``skimage.feature.hog`` (`#7153 `_). - Ensure ``skimage.morphology.closing`` and ``skimage.morphology.opening`` are extensive and anti-extensive, respectively, if the footprint is not mirror symmetric (`#6695 `_). - Avoid a TypeError in ``skimage.registration.phase_cross_correlation`` when the real-time shift cannot be determined (``disambiguate=True``). Display a warning instead (`#7259 `_). - Fix logic in ``skimage.graph.pixel_graph`` which raised a ``TypeError`` when the parameter ``edge_function`` was provided without a ``mask`` (`#7310 `_). - Ensure cache stays empty when ``cache=False`` is passed to ``skimage.measure.regionprops`` (`#7333 `_). Documentation ------------- - Update instructions for updating dev environment (`#7160 `_). - Make titles in RAG gallery examples more explicit (`#7202 `_). - Add docstring to ``skimage.graph`` module (`#7192 `_). - Use consistent notation for array dimensions in the docstrings (`#3031 `_). - Specify default markers in watershed docstring (`#7154 `_). - Stop HTML documentation from intercepting left and right-arrow keys to improve keyboard accessibility (`#7226 `_). - Fix reference formatting for nitpicky sphinx (`#7228 `_). - Document how to deal with other array-likes such as ``xarray.DataArray`` and ``pandas.DataFrame`` in the crash course on NumPy for images (`#7159 `_). - Fix broken function calls and syntax issues in user guide (`#7234 `_). - Use correct default mode in docstring of ``skimage.transform.swirl`` (`#7241 `_). - Add missing documentation about spacing parameter in ``moments_normalized`` (`#7248 `_). - Update docstring & example in the hough_ellipse transform (`#6893 `_). - Point binder tag/branch to commit corresponding to docs/release (`#7252 `_). - Add example to FundamentalMatrixTransform class (`#6863 `_). - Adds explanation of what the optional dependency on Matplotlib offers to the install instructions (`#7286 `_). - Use correct symbol θ for tightness in the docstring of ``skimage.registration.optical_flow_tvl1`` (`#7314 `_). - The description of the parameter cval is modified in "int or float". cval is a numerical value not a string (`#7319 `_). - Remove obsolete instruction about documenting changes (`#7321 `_). - Added comment to clarify that dt corresponds to tau, i.e. the time step. Changed gray scale in grayscale in the entire registration module (`#7324 `_). - Create (`#7230 `_). - Remove deprecated parameter ``coordinates`` from docstring example of ``skimage.segmentation.active_contour`` (`#7329 `_). - Include dates in release note headings (`#7269 `_). - Update description of how to document pull requests for inclusion in the release notes (`#7267 `_). - Clarify description of ``data_range`` parameter in ``skimage.metrics.structural_similarity`` (`#7345 `_). - Use object-oriented Matplotlib style in longer gallery examples and demonstrations (doc/examples/applications) (`#7346 `_). - In the gallery example on segmenting human cells (in mitosis), include the border when generating basin markers for watershed (`#7362 `_). - Add missing minus sign in docstring of ``skimage.transform.EuclideanTransform`` (`#7097 `_). Infrastructure -------------- - Update wording on the stale bot to assume the core team dropped the ball (`#7196 `_). - Update Azure job name following the drop of Python 3.9 (`#7218 `_). - Schedule nightly wheel builds at uncommon time (`#7254 `_). - Build nightly wheels with nightly NumPy 2.0 (`#7251 `_). - Use pytest-doctestplus instead of classic pytest-doctest (`#7289 `_). - Update the scientific-python/upload-nightly-action to v0.5.0 for dependency stability and to take advantage of Anaconda Cloud upload bug fixes (`#7325 `_). - Add ``assert_stacklevel`` helper to check stacklevel of captured warnings (`#7294 `_). - Exclude ``pre-commit[bot]`` from changelist's contributor list (`#7358 `_). Maintenance ----------- - Remove outdated & duplicate "preferred" field in ``version_switcher.json`` (`#7184 `_). - Upgrade to spin 0.7 (`#7168 `_). - Do not compare types, use isinstance (`#7186 `_). - [] pre-commit autoupdate (`#7181 `_). - Increase tolerance for moments test for 32 bit floats (`#7188 `_). - Temporarily pin Cython to <3.0.3 until CI is fixed (`#7189 `_). - Remove obsolete meson instructions (`#7193 `_). - Temporarily pin Cython to <3.0.3 until CI is fixed, take 2 (`#7201 `_). - Fix chocolatey (`#7200 `_). - Pin Pillow to <10.1.0 until incompatibility with imageio is fixed (`#7208 `_). - Use Black (`#7197 `_). - Apply black to ```` after previous merge lacking black (`#7215 `_). - Unpin Cython after release of Cython 3.0.4 (`#7214 `_). - [] pre-commit autoupdate (`#7236 `_). - Cleanup for Python 3.12 (`#7173 `_). - Make Python 3.12 default CI Python (`#7244 `_). - Add explicit ``noexcept`` to address Cython 3.0 warnings (`#7250 `_). - Update imageio to fix Pillow incompatibility (`#7245 `_). - Upgrade docker/setup-qemu-action to v3 (`#7134 `_). - Fix warningfilter for deprecation in SciPy 1.12.0rc1 (`#7275 `_). - Update to numpy>=1.23 and matplotlib>=3.6 according to SPEC 0 (`#7284 `_). - Add new ``deprecate_parameter`` helper (`#7256 `_). - Update meson and Cython (`#7283 `_). - Handle floating point warning for empty images in ``skimage.registration.phase_cross_correlation`` (`#7287 `_). - Update spin (0.8) (`#7285 `_). - Complete deprecations that were scheduled for our 0.23 release. Remove now unused ``deprecate_kwarg`` and ``remove_arg``; they are entirely succeeded by ``deprecate_parameter`` (`#7290 `_). - For security best practices, use the scientific-python/upload-nightly-action GitHub Action from known commit shas that correspond to tagged releases. These can be updated automatically via Dependabot (`#7306 `_). - Update pre-commits repos (`#7303 `_). - The test suite can now be run without ``numpydoc`` installed (`#7307 `_). - Deal with parallel write warning from Pydata theme (`#7311 `_). - Test nightly wheel build with NumPy 2.0 (`#7288 `_). - Make it clear that funcs in ``_optical_flow_utils`` are private (`#7328 `_). - Update dependencies (spec 0) (`#7335 `_). - Follow-up cleaning & fixes for compatibility with NumPy 1 & 2 (`#7326 `_). - Replace ignored teardown with autouse fixture in ```` (`#7340 `_). - Address new copy semantics & broadcasting in ``np.solve`` in NumPy 2 (`#7341 `_). - Ignore table of execution times by Sphinx gallery (`#7327 `_). - Allow a very small floating point tolerance for pearson test (`#7356 `_). - Update numpydoc to version 1.7 (`#7355 `_). - [] pre-commit autoupdate (`#7365 `_). - Simplify warning filters in test suite (`#7349 `_). - Build against NumPy >=2.0.0rc1 (`#7367 `_). - Remove ``ensure_python_version`` function (`#7370 `_). - Update GitHub actions to ``setup-python@v5``, ``cache@v4``, ``upload-artifact@v4``, and ``download-artifact@v4`` (`#7368 `_). - Update lazyloader to v0.4 (`#7373 `_). Contributors ------------ 29 authors added to this release (alphabetically): - `@GParolini `_ - `@tokiAi `_ - Adrien Foucart (`@adfoucart `_) - Anam Fatima (`@anamfatima1304 `_) - Ananya Srivastava (`@ana42742 `_) - Ben Harvie (`@benharvie `_) - Christian Clauss (`@cclauss `_) - Cris Luengo (`@crisluengo `_) - Egor Panfilov (`@soupault `_) - Grzegorz Bokota (`@Czaki `_) - Jan Lebert (`@sitic `_) - Jarrod Millman (`@jarrodmillman `_) - Jeremy Farrell (`@farrjere `_) - Juan Nunez-Iglesias (`@jni `_) - Lars Grüter (`@lagru `_) - Mao Nishino (`@mao1756 `_) - Marianne Corvellec (`@mkcor `_) - Mark Harfouche (`@hmaarrfk `_) - Matthew Feickert (`@matthewfeickert `_) - Matthew Vine (`@MattTheCuber `_) - Maxime Corbé (`@Maxime-corbe `_) - Michał Górny (`@mgorny `_) - Neil Shephard (`@ns-rse `_) - Ole Streicher (`@olebole `_) - Peter Suter (`@petsuter `_) - Robert Haase (`@haesleinhuepf `_) - Sean McKinney (`@jouyun `_) - Stefan van der Walt (`@stefanv `_) - vfdev (`@vfdev-5 `_) 21 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): - `@GParolini `_ - Adrien Foucart (`@adfoucart `_) - Anam Fatima (`@anamfatima1304 `_) - Ben Harvie (`@benharvie `_) - Christian Clauss (`@cclauss `_) - Cris Luengo (`@crisluengo `_) - Egor Panfilov (`@soupault `_) - Grzegorz Bokota (`@Czaki `_) - Jarrod Millman (`@jarrodmillman `_) - Jeremy Farrell (`@farrjere `_) - Juan Nunez-Iglesias (`@jni `_) - Lars Grüter (`@lagru `_) - M Bussonnier (`@Carreau `_) - Mao Nishino (`@mao1756 `_) - Marianne Corvellec (`@mkcor `_) - Mark Harfouche (`@hmaarrfk `_) - Maxime Corbé (`@Maxime-corbe `_) - P. L. Lim (`@pllim `_) - Peter Suter (`@petsuter `_) - Sebastian Berg (`@seberg `_) - Stefan van der Walt (`@stefanv `_) _These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates._