A gallery of examples and that showcase how scikit-image can be used. Some examples demonstrate the use of the API in general and some demonstrate specific applications in tutorial form.
Check out our User guide for a narrative introduction to key library conventions and basic image manipulation.
Datasets with 3 or more spatial dimensions
Operations on NumPy arrays#
Using simple NumPy operations for manipulating images
Generate footprints (structuring elements)
Decompose flat footprints (structuring elements)
Manipulating exposure and color channels#
Adapting gray-scale filters to RGB images
Separate colors in immunohistochemical staining
Gamma and log contrast adjustment
3D adaptive histogram equalization
Edges and lines#
Approximate and subdivide polygons
Circular and Elliptical Hough Transforms
Geometrical transformations and registration#
Rescale, resize, and downscale
Piecewise Affine Transformation
Using geometric transformations
Use thin-plate splines for image warping
Robust line model estimation using RANSAC
Image registration#
Masked Normalized Cross-Correlation
Registration using optical flow
Assemble images with simple image stitching
Using Polar and Log-Polar Transformations for Registration
Filtering and restoration#
Removing small objects in grayscale images with a top hat filter
Using window functions with images
Calibrating Denoisers Using J-Invariance
Fill in defects with inpainting
Band-pass filtering by Difference of Gaussians
Shift-invariant wavelet denoising
Non-local means denoising for preserving textures
Full tutorial on calibrating Denoisers Using J-Invariance
Detection of features and objects#
Dense DAISY feature description
Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Multi-Block Local Binary Pattern for texture classification
Filling holes and finding peaks
ORB feature detector and binary descriptor
Gabors / Primary Visual Cortex “Simple Cells” from an Image
Fisher vector feature encoding
SIFT feature detector and descriptor extractor
Gabor filter banks for texture classification
Local Binary Pattern for texture classification
Segmentation of objects#
Region Boundary based Region adjacency graphs (RAGs)
Region adjacency graph (RAG) Thresholding
Find Regular Segments Using Compact Watershed
Drawing Region Adjacency Graphs (RAGs)
Niblack and Sauvola Thresholding
Expand segmentation labels without overlap
Markers for watershed transform
Comparison of segmentation and superpixel algorithms
Find the intersection of two segmentations
Region Adjacency Graphs (RAGs)
Region adjacency graph (RAG) Merging
Measure perimeters with different estimators
Hierarchical Merging of Region Boundary RAGs
Explore and visualize region properties with pandas
Trainable segmentation using local features and random forests
Evaluating segmentation metrics
Use rolling-ball algorithm for estimating background intensity
Longer examples and demonstrations#
Face detection using a cascade classifier
Interact with 3D images (of kidney tissue)
Use pixel graphs to find an object’s geodesic center
Comparing edge-based and region-based segmentation
Estimate anisotropy in a 3D microscopy image
Segment human cells (in mitosis)
Restore spotted cornea image with inpainting
Track solidification of a metallic alloy
Face classification using Haar-like feature descriptor
Measure fluorescence intensity at the nuclear envelope
Examples for developers#
In this folder, we have examples for advanced topics, including detailed explanations of the inner workings of certain algorithms.
These examples require some basic knowledge of image processing. They are targeted at existing or would-be scikit-image developers wishing to develop their knowledge of image processing algorithms.